
Monday, January 24, 2011

Who would pay for the Dam Removal?

Many of the dams in Michigan, and many more in the United States, are expensive. Expensive to repair, expensive to maintain, expensive to inspect.  They also are expensive to remove!

However, Funds are available so that the City and its residents DO NOT INCURR ANY COST.
The DNR of Michigan has made the City Council and Mayor aware that the money is available; and was available previously in cities like Stronach and Watervliet Michigan.

Thats right !!!!!   Dam removal funds make this FREE for the cities that would like to see them gone. 

Don't believe it?
Then  CLICK HERE to learn HOW DAM REMOVAL COST gets handled.

The cliff notes:  Federal, State, and Private funds have been reserved to allow this to occur. Some of the sources include:  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NOAA, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and various endowments and charitiable trusts created by phiolanthropic orgainzations who review each case and make contributrions as needed.

It is a vitally important part of the dam removal decision to have a person assigned to this task; their sole purpose in life is to apply for the grants and funding, and keep the appropriate communications flowing back and forth between those funding sources and the city's council and mayor.

 This is an excellent opportunity for internships to happen, or paid temporary positions (which get reimbursed to the city in the form of matching funds) it can be an invaluable experience for people looking for careers in city adminsitration, and environmental engineering.

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